Accurately convert all your written communications from English to Spanish to convey your message concisely, effectively, capturing the literary and cultural characteristics of the original work.
Simultaneous and consecutive interpreting. Whether your requirement is a personal, sentence-by-sentence solution (for small meetings) or larger conference/real-time interpreting, your dialogue will be effectively conveyed quickly and accurately. Video-conference or telephone Spanish language interpretation available as well.
Areas of Specialization
Arts and Humanities: Journalism, Linguistics, and Literature
Business: Advertising, Marketing and Public Relations
Health Care: Pharmaceuticals and Nutrition
Marketing, Entertainment
Law (General)
Not for Profit
Social Sciences: Education
Dubbing & Subtitling
​Proper pronunciation and idiomatic nuances of Spanish dialects, multi-media presentation voice-over and proper subtitling ensured on all materials.
Website Translations
​Accurate translations, editing and proofreading services for any business or non-profit organizations.
Cultural Solutions & Language Training
​Understanding and appreciating inter-cultural differences can ultimately promote clearer communication. Multicultural solutions, language and diversity training to strengthen the communication process helps break down barriers, build trust, and strengthen relationships.
Training in Sociolinguistics, Language in Contact, Dialectology, Hispanic Literary Arts and translations.